Over the last year and a half we have tried to get clear on what we want our future to look like. What makes us tick, what values and teachings do we want to make sure our children are experiencing before they leave home. What are our individual giftings? What are our giftings as a couple? What can we offer the world through these things?

I, Madison, recently did an exercise where I wrote a letter to my current self a year from now and 15 years from now. It was an amazing way to see my vision at large and focus in on goals to get myself there! I think everyone should do this exercise at least once.

What do we envision? Ranching and farming is a definite. Teaching, building and creating will definitely be a part of the mix. And we cannot forget hospitality and fun events! These are the things we love and we cannot wait for each step of the journey in making Twin Pines what we envision it to be. We are thankful and invigorated to have you all along for this journey as we bring our visions to life. It may take a year, it may take 10 years, but you can be rest assured that each step we take is a step toward our overall vision for Twin Pines.

Evan and I may have big visions and our hope is that those big visions inspire our team and those around us to figure out what visions they have for their future and to go for it too!

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt

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